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-Morton Marcus

October 15th, 2007

Getting It Together

Just a few notes so you know what your reunion committee is up to.

We investigated having Woodward as the reunion site, which would have been theoretically do-able. The building is currently being used by the Tilden Middle schoolers while their own school is being renovated. But we were informed that it might be possible to have the use of the building auditorium for the reunion. We wouldn’t have been able to serve alchohol there, but it might have been fun all the same. But our contacts with the county school system went unresponded to. So we looked elsewhere and have decided on having the reunion at Garrett Park Town Hall.

We’ll be gathering there on Friday, November 23, 2007, from 7PM to 11 PM. There will be catering and a DJ. As far as drinks, it’s BYOB. This is to keep the costs down. Looks like tickets will be running about $40. The official announcement is coming soon.

I’ve scanned in the senior class photo pages from the yearbook, and committee member Karen Olson, of Olson Creative Design, will be doing us up some badges with our yearbook photos on them. We will be asking you for a short bio…if you can send it in before the reunion that would be great, but we’ll have questionnaires at the reunion for you. We’ll be making up a reunion booklet and DVD with some photos from back in the day, plus stuff we take at the reunion, and any photos you want to contribute, which we’ll be mailing out after the reunion.

So…a good time for all is in the works. In the meantime, I have the pages from our 1972 art magazine, Inquiry, all scanned in and ready to post here. They’ll be up as soon as I can spare some time to upload them and create their web page. I’ve also dug up a copy of the 1971-72 CWW Student Guide and the1971-72 Course Descriptions. And I still have tons of photos I took back in our senior year I’m busy scanning in. Should be fun.

Stay tuned…

[Update…] My bad… The tickets will be going for $50. Announcement’s above. Hope to see you there!

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